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Posts from — March 2009

Endorphin Deficiency Syndrome (EDS) Do You Have It?

With this post, I thought that I would talk about something that most of you have probably never heard of; Endorphin Deficiency Syndrome (EDS).  For years, I questioned myself on why I felt compelled to use a drug which was seemingly destroying my life in slow and agonizing fashion. I wondered why it was only the opiates that I enjoyed abusing, but not so much any other drugs. Don’t get me wrong,  I did my fair share of pot smoking, but it never felt as good to me as the opiates did. I finally just figured that opiates/opioids were my “drug of choice,” that I really loved the pleasure that they gave me, and that was that. But, the question still lingered as time passed.... continue

March 4, 2009   39 Comments